Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Has it really been so long since I have written that I forgot my log in information??? My fellow followers I apologize to all 8 of you! hahahaha. My goal for the new year is to get 9 followers! So tell a friend. Share my blog... WARNING: Some of you might find this post kind of crude but while me and my friend were discussing it, I actually laughed out loud. And I know secretly....you all will too. I have said it before and I will say it again but I have some pretty amazing friends. The friends I have inspire me, they uplift me, AND....they make me snort! On one such occasion I was talking about ways to make extra money. Everyone said, "GO TO SCHOOL" the only way to succeed in life...well...been there, did that...still working at the same job.. Believe me....It is not without trying. According to my resume tracker, I applied for 187 jobs in 2013. Whew...no wonder I am tired. No WONDER I AM IN A FUNK!! Any who...(see how I get off track?) Back to my womb! My friends are very talented, some take pictures, some make beautiful jewelry, some cut hair, some create kitchens (and build them themselves) but me? The only talent I have is making babies! I procreate well. My eggs are cracking and my uterus is as healthy as a 20 year old(or so my midwives tell me). Why don’t I rent out my womb? I would love to bring a child to couples who cannot have a child. What a way to earn extra money right? Well, then I snap back to reality. YOU ARE 43??? Don’t quit your day job? Let’s brainstorm! Other options? Things I have already done (and still do). The last type test I did I typed 123 WPM. I can type! But then I remember my hands fall asleep and they become very painful when I type all the time. Next? Cans, save aluminum cans! We do that already (saving for a San Diego trip). Donate blood? well yes, I do that too. Garage sale? did and will do again. The womb is sounding better and better right? I guess I am resolved to put that gel manicure set I have been wanting on layaway. Thank heavens for K-Mart!